Tamaqua Area School District
School Calendar for 1999-2000
August 30, 1999
Monday, Teacher In-Service Day
August 31, 1999
Tuesday, First Day of School
September 6, 1999
Monday, Labor Day-Schools Closed
September 7, 1999
Tuesday, Schools Reopen
October 15, 1999 |
Friday, Teacher In-Service Day |
November 25, 26, & 29, 1999
Thanksgiving Recess, Thursday, Friday, Monday-Schools Closed
November 30, 1999
Tuesday, Schools Reopen
December 24, 1999 thru January 2, 2000
Christmas Holiday-Schools Closed
January 3, 2000
Monday, Schools Reopen
January 18, 2000
Tuesday, 90th Day of School
February 18, 2000
Friday, No School (Holiday CANCELED, school will be held)
February 21, 2000
Monday, President's Day-Schools Closed (Holiday CANCELED, school will be
April 20, 21, & 24, 2000
Thursday, Friday, Monday, Easter Recess-Schools Closed (Thurs. and Mon.
CANCELED, Friday will still be a holiday)
April 25, 2000
Tuesday, Schools Reopen
May 29, 2000
Monday, Memorial Day-Schools Closed
May 31, 2000
Wednesday, Last Day of School
June 1, 2000
Thursday, Teacher In-Service Day
June 2, 2000
Friday, Graduation
Additional snow days will be made up extending the school calendar
the required number of days in June of 2000.
Weather emergency make-up days: February 18, 21, 2000, April 20, 24, 2000, June 1, 2000.
Due to the snow we have unfortunately lost the holidays
on Feb. 18, Feb. 21, April 20
and April 24. Any additional snow days will result in the extension of
the school year.